Coming up soon!
DJ SUPERMARKET on 13/03/2021 will be LIVE on datafruits.fm and in VR, starting at 10pm EST / 5am GMT etc. I'll be playing a 30min video set called SAND-TRAPPED! (dvd) with mostly unreleased music :) Feel free to share the poster, invite your friends & (hopefully) come.. it features a Glarbo-9 Ronald Reagan impersonator, who I paid top dollar for, as well Mouseman & Dreg Mt Boite.
(click to enlarge poster).............What I'm playing: 

(^^Archive of this coming soon)
Hannah Bannanah's hi-jacked TRANSMISSION, datafruits.fm #DXDF21, June 2nd 2021

|AUDIO| |VIDEO (not availiable right now)|
Unreleased track "Sentient Poggers" played in SUM Records Set on WNYU "The New Afternoon Show", May 12th 2021

'In Fantasia Vol. 2' Live Performance (to 1 person on google hangouts) with Sinclair Brazier / @shanzhaisunbaby

Live as Sun Worship, Vapormemory 29th/06/2018

Open mic at Pepper Rocks, Nottingham 10.04.18

|AUDIO| |VIDEO (excerpt)|
Discord Live Performances (for friends, that have been recorded (by me))
live on discord 16.10.21
Live song for some friends (in the virtual park) - ("Wind & Dust on the ridges of the entrance, aliens in simultaneous ancienthood and sci-fi stardom due to the use of dinosaur labour to rapidly mechanise... Water flows through small passageways in a grand, stone temple being live-addled with technological panels... A little green alien standing at the door in a hide-toga with a stone age spear... A planet enshrouded in the musk of desert winds....")